My Testimony

My name is Angel Kopylenko, and I was born on February 13, 1997. I had it tough growing up. I wasn't born into a Christian family, instead we sort of identified as Orthodox who went to church two times a year sometimes, then eventually stopped altogether. Practically everyone in my family hated each other, and would always fight. I didn't know what peace or love was at all. Then it all changed at the age of 17 in 2014, when both of my parents had passed away, and God sent the lady that is now my mother to my biological father, just weeks before he died of pancreatic cancer. I got adopted by a Christian family, and that's where I met Christ. My life and I then changed so radically (for the greater good) that it would take a whole book to write about it. For the first time in my life I got to experience a normal, peaceful family where everyone truly loved and cared for each other, something I didn't know existed in families till then. Christ was the true glue of this new Christian family. So one day, I realized that it's very hard to differ between believers and non believers these days. And what is the first thing you notice about anyone you first see? Their clothes! So I decided to start my own Christian apparel business where I'll be trying to constantly update the catalog with new and (hopefully) fresh ideas that every type of believer can enjoy. What better way to  represent your faith than by what you wear? (2nd after your actions hopefully). So sit down, browse around, and hopefully you find something that suits you. Thank you for reading this, and for your support! God bless.